How to Transfer Attachments from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders in Business Central

When working with Dynamics 365 Business Central, one common challenge is ensuring that important attachments from Blanket Orders are carried over to Sales Orders. Natively, Business Central does not support this functionality, which can lead to inefficiencies and potential information loss. After experimenting with various approaches, I discovered a straightforward and effective solution.

In this post, I will share a simple yet powerful method to automatically transfer attachments from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders. My goal is to help you streamline your order management process, saving you time and ensuring that all critical information is preserved. Let’s dive into this step-by-step guide to enhance your order management in Business Central.

Table of Contents

Case in Business Central

Ensuring that attachments are transferred from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders is crucial for maintaining complete and accurate order information. Business Central’s native functionality does not support this, which can result in missing information when converting Blanket Orders to Sales Orders.

For instance, in the first scenario, without any customization, attachments are not transferred from the Blanket Order to the Sales Order. This can lead to important details being overlooked.

In contrast, with the custom solution implemented, attachments are seamlessly transferred from the Blanket Order to the Sales Order, ensuring that all necessary information is available and reducing potential errors.


Demonstration: Native Process in Business Central

This video demonstrates the native functionality of Dynamics 365 Business Central when converting Blanket Orders to Sales Orders. As shown, the native process does not copyattachments from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders, resulting in missing information.

Enhanced Process: Copying Attachments from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders

This video showcases the enhanced process using the custom solution. It illustrates how attachments are successfully copied from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders, ensuring that all important information is retained and reducing the likelihood of errors during the order conversion process.


Below is the AL code that enables the transfer of Attachments from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders in Business Central. This custom code ensures that all attachments and links are copied during the order conversion process, maintaining the integrity of the information.


This guide demonstrated a simple method to transfer Attachments from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders in Dynamics 365 Business Central. By using the provided custom code, you can ensure that all critical information is carried over during the order conversion process, simplifying your operations and reducing errors. For further customization, you can explore the complete code on my GitHub. For additional insights on managing orders in Business Central, Microsoft’s documentation is a valuable resource. This approach aims to improve your order management, ensuring efficiency and reliability in your operations.

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